ceramiche africane 2008-2012 ©elena cutolo
(prototipi) autoproduzione

Ceramiche in maiolica ed in grès fatte a mano e smaltate ad immersione. Pezzi unici.

dogon teapot, 2012. cm (32 x 32 x 32 h)
yoruba, 2009. Ø cm 13 h cm 44
mumuye, 2009. Ø cm 24 h cm 34
kota, 2009. Ø cm 22 h cm 20
malinke, 2008. Ceramica in grès. Ø cm 13 h cm 37
boki, 2008. Ceramica in grès. Ø cm 28 h cm 8

Earthenware ceramics and grès ceramics, hand made and glazed immersion. Unique.

dogon teapot, 2012. 12.59” x 12.59” h
yoruba, 2009. Ø 5.11” h 17.32”
mumuye, 2009. Ø 9.44” h 13.38”
kota, 2009. Ø 8.66” h 7.87”
malinke, 2008. Grès ceramics. Ø 5.11” h 14.56”
boki, 2008. Grès ceramics. Ø 11.02” h 3.14”

photo© gaia consuelo giani

©elena cutolo architetto